For parents, dropping their child off to a stranger each day can be somewhat daunting. Creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere can reduce anxiety, build trust, and set a positive tone for each day. Children and their families must know the provider will meet their needs before they feel safe and secure. Parents must know their child will be safe, stimulated, challenged, loved and enjoyed. The atmosphere you create in your home should appeal to the children in your care and the families. Parents choose providers based on the person, home, and program. An enthusiastic, responsive provider and a cheerful, nurturing environment will develop healthy relationships.
Greeting children and parents with warmth and genuine affection helps them feel valued, comfortable, and supported. This greeting can set a positive tone for the day. A warm greeting fosters a sense of trust, which helps create positive relationships. We all know smiles are contagious! Be sure to say hello to the parent and child at the drop-off and ask how their morning has been so far. Exposure to a genuine exchange of pleasantries allows children to be at ease knowing they are welcome and will enable parents to relax and build trust in you as their provider, knowing you look forward to seeing their child each day.