Be Sure Every Child Feels Welcome, Heard, and Celebrated
Be sure children in your program feel welcome, heard and celebrated. Offer undivided attention to each child each day. Sit with the child working on building a tower with their blocks. Join in a song with that child who loves to sing. Offer hugs to the child who you know loves physical touch. Encourage another child to help you set the table for lunch. You are only one person and will be working with several children at a time; it is essential to juggle the needs of each child in your program.
Children come into your care with different needs, skills, strengths, and abilities. One-on-one time and conversations encourage connections and information sharing. Taking the time to observe, listen, and reflect will assist you in learning more about each child. Is the crying child protesting transitions, or is he overstimulated? Is the child who talks over others speaking out of turn or vying for attention? Is the child who isolates himself shy or retreating due to a speech or language barrier? It is essential to acknowledge, respect, and celebrate each child.
Meet children where they are developmentally by working on their existing skills. Perhaps a child is learning to put their jacket on by themselves. Knowing the child will help you help them. Accept who they are and who they are becoming. Children are developing little personalities every day! Embrace the risk taker in your care by providing them with activities that challenge them. Acknowledge all of their feelings – big and small. Let children express their emotions safely. Celebrate efforts with appreciation and positive words. Children who feel welcome, heard and celebrated will thrive, knowing they matter.